Journal Papers
Haghi M, Barakat R, Spicher N, Heinrich C, Jageniak J, Öktem GS, Krips M, Wang J, Hackel S, Deserno TM. Automatic information exchange in the early rescue chain using the International Standard Accident Number (ISAN). Healthcare. 2021; 9(8):996.
Spicher N, Barakat R, Wang J, Haghi M, Jagieniak J, Öktem GS, et al. Proposing an International Standard Accident Number (ISAN) for interconnecting ICT systems of the rescue chain. Methods Inf Med. 2021 May 12.
Haghi M, Danyali S, Ayasseh S, Wang J, Aazami R, Deserno TM. Wearable devices in health monitoring from the environmental towards multiple domains: A Survey. Sensors (Basel). 2021 Mar 18;21(6):2130.
Ganapathy N, Swaminathan R, Deserno TM. Adaptive learning and cross training improves R-wave detection in ECG. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2021 Mar 1;200:105931.
Wang J, Spicher N, Warnecke JM, Haghi M, Schwartze J, Deserno TM. Unobtrusive health monitoring in private spaces: the smart home. Sensors (Basel). 2021 Jan 28;21(3):864.
Journal Papers
Haghi M, Deserno TM. General conceptual framework of future wearables in healthcare: Unified, unique, ubiquitous, and unobtrusive (U4) for customized quantified output. Chemosensors. 2020 Sep;8(3):85.
Haghi M, Danyali S, Thurow K, Warnecke JM, Wang J, Deserno TM. Hardware prototype for wrist-worn simultaneous monitoring of environmental, behavioral, and physiological parameters. Appl Sci. 2020 Jan;10(16):5470.
Wang J, Warnecke JM, Haghi M, Deserno TM. Unobtrusive health monitoring in private spaces: The smart vehicle. Sensors. 2020 Jan;20(9):2442.