Director of PLRI at TU Braunschweig
"We aim at making the big data collected in accident and emergency systems instantaneously available by creating a technological foundation to link data from event data recorder (EDR), emergency medical services (EMS), and electronics health record (HER), i.e., the International Standard Accident Number (ISAN). Our approach is more general as everything that has been addressed in international research so far, since it applies to a variety of EDR scales”, says professor Deserno, the leader of ISAN project and director of PLRI at TU Braunschweig.
Teamwork is the key to solve complex research problems. The interdisciplinary team is composed of experience in accident and emergency (A&EI) informatics, health-enabling technologies (HET), and metrology. The ISAN project is moving forward with an international team which is extending quickly and attracting talented scientists and young researchers who are seeking of new interesting, and attractive scientific challenge and adventure, from all over the world. The team is currently working on defining a careful, efficient, and innovative strategy as the roadmap of structure and architecture of ISAN project:
Justin Jagieniak (PTB)