The key phrases, progressing, achievements and joint collaborations with the partners regarding the ISAN project, are posted here frequently.
We aim at making the big data collected in accident and emergency systems instantaneously available by creating a technological foundation to link data from EDR, EMS, and EHR, i.e., the International Standard Accident Number (ISAN).
Our approach is by far more general as everything that has been addressed in international research so far, since it applies to a variety of EDR scales.
There is no unique ID that would allow the direct linkage of records from the different systems. All ISANs are cryptographically secured and access to the data is only possible for the trustee.
PLRI not only drives a 50 m2 living lab but also nine real apartments in the Cities of Braunschweig, Goslar, and Seesen, Lower Saxony.
The home emergency monitor fits the integrated urban development concept of the City of Braunschweig, in which the elderly’s home becomes a diagnostic and therapeutic space.
The Braunschweig Virtual Emergency Registry is in line with the German Medical Informatics Initiative (MII), where data integration centers are developed that allow algorithms to be shared and executed locally on the isolated ICT system.