
Medical informatics is currently turning into a data-driven discipline. For instance, the federal government in Germany is making considerable investments to interconnect information from medical data repositories (e.g. electronic health records) for improved healthcare and better biomedical research.


However, there is a need to interconnect not only health records from different healthcare databases but also to connect health data with other data sources. The IMIA Working Group on A&EI will foster sharing and semantic linkage of health data with environmental sensor data from smart implants and wearables to smart vehicles and homes, as well as future smart cities.

Exemplary Application Areas

Founding Members

The working group's founding members from Argentina, Australia, China, Mexico, Japan, Jordan and the United States of America represent a global network, according to the IMIA's regions:

APAMI – Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics

EFMI – European Federation for Medical Informatics

IMIA LAC – Regional Federation of Health Informatics for Latin America and the Caribbean

IMIA North America

MEAHI – Middle East Association for Health Informatics

Regular Members

APAMI – Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics

EFMI – European Federation for Medical Informatics

IMIA North America

MEAHI – Middle East Association for Health Informatics