Medical informatics is currently turning into a data-driven discipline. For instance, the federal government in Germany is making considerable investments to interconnect information from medical data repositories (e.g. electronic health records) for improved healthcare and better biomedical research.
However, there is a need to interconnect not only health records from different healthcare databases but also to connect health data with other data sources. The IMIA Working Group on A&EI will foster sharing and semantic linkage of health data with environmental sensor data from smart implants and wearables to smart vehicles and homes, as well as future smart cities.
Exemplary Application Areas
Traffic accidents: A broad variety of data is collected by modern cars. Nowadays, a car knows about seat occupation, buckle status, weather, traffic situation, speed, acceleration etc. This data characterizing an accident event can be linked to health data to enable automatic personalized emergency calls (“eCall 4.0”).
Health-enabling technologies: The same principle can be applied to (smart) home environments and wearables monitoring a person’s health based on medical and non-medical activity data. Interconnecting such information could, for example, allow for automatic detection of adverse medical events.
Internet of things: smart toilets will analyze liquid and solid human waste to comprehensively monitor the individual’s health status, and may generate alerts when abnormal measures indicate adverse events.
Founding Members
The working group's founding members from Argentina, Australia, China, Mexico, Japan, Jordan and the United States of America represent a global network, according to the IMIA's regions:
APAMI – Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics
- Michio Kimura, Director, Medical Informatics Department, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Handa Hamamatsu, Japan
- Klaus D. Veil, Vice President, Australian Council of Professions; and Principal Partner, DigitalHealth & HL7 Education Partners, Avalon, Australia
- Yingjuan (Jenny) Cao, Vice Director, Nursing Dept. of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan Shandong, China
- Liping Jiang, Director, Nursing Department, Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
EFMI – European Federation for Medical Informatics
- Thomas M. Deserno (Chair), Germany
- Reinhold Haux, IMIA Award of Excellence Recipient, Braunschweig, Germany
IMIA LAC – Regional Federation of Health Informatics for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Fernán González Bernando de Quiros (Co-Chair), Argentina
- J. Amado Espinosa Lobato, Director and CEO, Medisist, Guadalajara, Mexico
- Maria Victoria Guissi, Coordinator IT Healthcare, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Carlos Otera, Chief Medical Information Officer, Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires, Argentina
IMIA North America
- Christoph U. Lehmann, IMIA President, Nashville, TN, USA
- Xinxin (Katie) Zhu, IBM Watson Research, Wellness Management, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA
MEAHI – Middle East Association for Health Informatics
- Najeeb Al-Shorbaji, Jordan
Regular Members
APAMI – Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics
- Fan Wu, Department of Electrical and Computer System Engineering, Monash University, Australia
EFMI – European Federation for Medical Informatics
- Arriel Benis, Head of Business Intelligence and Automation laboratory, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
- Thomas Sauter, Head Doctor, University Emergency Center, Inselspital, Switzerland
- Kerstin Thurow, Director, Center for Life Science Automation, Rostock, Germany
- Christian Juhra, Head of Telemedicine Unit, Münster University Hospital, Germany
- Mostafa Haghi, Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics, Hannover Medical School and TU Braunschweig, Germany
- Elham Shojaei, Computer Architecture & Operating System, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
IMIA North America
- Yang Gong, Health Informatics, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, USA
- Kate Fultz Hollis, Department of Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology, Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), USA
MEAHI – Middle East Association for Health Informatics
- Zaid M. Al-Hamdan, Faculty of Nursing, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
- Omar Cheikhrouhou, Taif University, KSA
- Sharareh R. Niakan Kalhori, Department of Health Information Management, School of Allied Medical Sciences, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
- Mohammed F. Al-Okby, Technical Institute of Babylon, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University (ATU), Iraq