Social networks and IoT for emergency and disaster management
Short Description and Focus of Chapter:
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Arriel Benis
Senior Lecturer and Head of Business Intelligence and Automation labiratory, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
Short Biography:
Dr. Arriel Benis is a senior staff at the Faculty of Technology Management at the Holon Institute of Technology, Isra-el. Dr. Arriel Benis is the head of the “Business Intelligence and Automation” (BIA) laboratory and co-heading the “In-dustrial Automation and Internet of Things” (IIoT) laboratory. BIA and IIoT are collaborating with the AFRAN Israeli Cen-ter for Disaster Reduction. Dr. Benis holds a PhD in Medical Informatics and his research is data-driven, real-world ori-ented, and Decision Support focused. His main fields of interests main is Artificial Intelligence from the Data Sci-ence, Automation and Knowledge Engineering perspec-tives, and its applications to Healthcare, Social Networks, Industry, and Emergency Management. For several years, Dr. Arriel Benis served as a Senior Researcher and Princi-pal Investigator in different organizations in the fields of Public Health and Social Media. Additionally, he has been involved in different roles in Emergency Medi-cal Services (EMS).
Submission Status of Book Chapter:
Abstract: Pending
Draft: Pending
Final Version: Pending